

in native worth and honour clad --
Son, look upon heaven and earth, and all that is in them: and consider that God made them out of nothing.


the good life

A man's attitude goes some ways - the way his life will be. Is that something you might agree with?

So since you agree, you may be someone who does not care about the good life.

Mulholland Drive - a film by David Lynch


don't miss out

Born to Buy and breed. A happy life is a successful life -- careers, ambitions, friends, husbands, wives and primary schools. Cars, drivers licence, bicycles, recycling, voting, reading, dentists, therapies, shopping lists and washing up. Simple enough.

FUNCTION, adapt, be satisfied, compassionate to the lesser fortunate -- think of your family, drink moderately, be confident, well thought of, an example to your friends. Focus, be reliable, never late, always pleasant, friendly, understanding, invest in everything and everyone worthy of your time.

Act now - apologise later.


where did all these fluids go

-- secretion is the process of segregating, elaborating, and releasing chemicals from a cell, or a secreted chemical substance or amount of substance. In contrast to excretion, the substance may have a certain function, rather than being a waste product --