Suppose you suddenly heard
To be played simultaneously
and when you're done with that GO CLEAN UP YOUR ROOM !
NSK Congress 4-6 October 2010
Grab your shoeshine and join!

At its foundation in 1984, NSK was an abbreviation of Neue Slowenische Kunst, established by the members of its three constitutive groups - Laibach, Irwin, and Sisters Scipion Nasica Theatre - in the city of Ljubljana (Republic of Slovenia, Yugoslavia). NSK was originally created as an informal socio-political cultural organization and aesthetic movement, based on Laibach's early statements and manifestos. Its aim was to define the relation between art and politics and to build a lasting Utopia. Its basic organizational principle was collectivism, its method of work was the retro principle and the movement was called RETROAVANTGARDA. Between 1990 and 1992, with the emergence of a new political, ideological, and economic reorganization of Europe (the fall of the Berlin wall and the reunification of Germany, the end of Soviet Union and the decline of the Eastern bloc, war in Yugoslavia and the birth of new nation states…), NSK reinvented itself, changing from an organization into a State. The reason for creating the NSK State was to keep Utopia real. NSK membership was abolished and technically speaking everyone who identifies with the NSK State codex, can now acquire the status of NSK citizen. Beside the members of the NSK groups, the right to citizenship is open to people of different religions, races, nationalities, sexes, and beliefs, people from all over the world. The right to citizenship is acquired through ownership of the NSK passport. The personal data of the passport holder are logged in the NSK citizenship register. The passport is numbered and is not transferable; its validity is limited and renewable.
NSK State is a state in Time, a state without territory - it denies the categories of fixed territory and the principle of national borders. It is not based on the national paradigm and it advocates the law of transnationality - which means that everyone can become a citizen of the NSK state, no matter what nationality he/she/it is. Today the NSK State already has more citizens than the Vatican.
NSK State is the ideal form of the State; its organizational principle is collective absolutism; the “head of state” is Immanent-Transcendent Spirit. It has no formal “government” and no central committee, only citizens, few bureaucrats and some administrators. The last two only deal with technical issues – keeping the State formal. It is based on self-management and non-alignment and it coexists as a parasite within existing, already established bodies in the entire area of Time. By signing the citizenship statement the holder of an NSK passport pledges to participate on a best effort basis to support the integrity of the NSK state.
The NSK state passport is a symbolic document of a subversive nature and has a unique value. The applicability of the passport is unlimited and subject to the responsibility of its holder. The NSK passport can be used for different purposes and many citizens are also using it for travelling. The NSK passport may not be misused for criminal, ideological, religious, or political purposes conflicting with the content and principles of NSK and/or those jeopardizing the reputation and good name of NSK.
from a Laibach interview, 2007
* NSK State is not an internationally officially recognized country and the NSK State passport is not a legally valid document. Owning the NSK passport does not grant citizenship of the Republic of Slovenia or any other country of the world beside the NSK state. YOU CANNOT LEGALLY CROSS ANY INTERNATIONAL BORDER USING AN NSK PASSPORT! The NSK State passport is only a symbolic document and if you use it to cross borders you do so at your own risk: the NSK Info Center and Laibach WTC shop cannot accept any responsibility for the consequences if you attempt to cross borders using this passport.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Constitution of Membership And Basic Duties of NSK Members.
A member of NSK should be hard working; he should respect the concepts of NSK and its history, be compliant and co-operative in carrying out joint decisions, and irreproachable in administering the general and secret statutory and moral norms of NSK.
A member of NSK is particularly obliged to act in accordance with the moral, political, aesthetic and ethical norms stipulated by the NSK Internal Book of Laws (IBL).
A member of NSK adopts creatively to his environment and is wise in following and complying with the rules set by the authorities regardless of his place of residence or of work. He should never, without reason or permission and power invested in him by the Council of the Organisation (NSK Council), get involved in any secret political meetings or various plots that could directly jeopardise the existence and sovereignty of the Organisation.
In carrying out the exacting tasks, in view of accomplishing the objectives required to attain common goals, the members make use of every means permitted or required by the "Law of Action" , should the situation require it.
To cherish mutual respect, friendly and brotherly love, assistance and devotion, is a law obligatory for ALL members of the Organisation. The entire association should function according to the principles of equality and harmony of internal distinctions.
No personal animosity, no settling of personal conflicts or disputes may enter the organisation. The same holds true, yet even to a larger extent, of arguments related to religion, nationality or political system, which never have and never shall serve the purpose of the Organisation.
Once a member is inducted, the association denies each member his own freedom of choice regarding his religious persuasion, and political and aesthetic affiliation.
Each membership candidate must believe in the hierarchical principle and existence of the supreme substance (ICS - the immanent, consistent spirit), occupying the uppermost position in the hierarchy of NSK.
Each candidate must be aware of the past, be active in the present and susceptible to the future. He should be conscious of the tradition of the fundament, should have a feel for innovating experiments and a talent for combining the two.
A member-to-be should be of sound character, emotionally balanced and of sound mental health. He should be capable, with all sincerity and conscience, of answering the following questions affirmatively:
1. Do you present yourself before this organisation, with truth and honesty, free of any prejudice that would interfere with your personal dispositions, as a free person and of your own free will, without being forced or subjected to inappropriate pressure, and present yourself as a candidate for membership in this organisation?
2. Do you maturely and responsibly claim the status of member in this Organisation and its pertaining privileges, having taken a clear stand on the world and its history?
3. Do you truly and responsibly pledge to perform your duties for the Organisation loyally, respectfully, and in the spirit of its laws and practices?
Once a novice is given his pledge of allegiance, he is required to adopt the principle of conscious renunciation regarding his personal tastes, judgement, and beliefs (...); he is required to renounce his personal practices of the past and devote himself to work in the body whose integral element he has become by joining the Organisation.
Novices must respect elder members and the "Triple Principle", which is the supreme designer of the Law of the Organisation.
During the first year of their noviciate, the novices belong to the so-called team reservoir and have the status of a student-apprentice. They first learn the law of cause and effect, which applies to the art of genuine domination and genuine subordination.
When praising tradition, history and the supreme principle of NSK each member must obey the following law of the IBL: a member should never speak of the Organisation and its inner principles of action without due respect.
When honouring and exposing himself through self praise, etc., a member should avoid any exaggeration and inconsistencies so as to preserve his individual and collective pride.
Concerning one's love for one's neighbour (one's friends, family, wife and neighbourhood), IBL exceptionally permits members of NSK to practice Christian relations, if these comply with the social system and its system of values, yet advises them to exercise caution in their good deeds.
In his role of a social and civil being, a member should be co-operative and benevolent should the circumstances so require, to the extent that such behaviour and generosity do not harm himself, his family, and his friends in particular.
As a community member and a citizen, a member of the organisation should abide by the laws designed to protect him. He should avoid any punishment and interdiction: in critical circumstances, he should not allow any prejudice, originating from what he does, to instigate a feeling of self-guilt.
When a person expresses the wish to become a member of the Organisation, his wish should be given careful consideration and a recommendation submitted only if and when he is found to comply with the principles of the Organisation and to contribute positively, in terms of personality and activity, to the strength and promotion of its common interests.
Members are recommended to spend their spare time associating with those who co-operate with the organisation.
1. I shall lavish brotherly respect on you if I know you are worthy of it.
2. I shall risk danger and hardships to help you in your time of need, providing this does not harm me or the Organisation.
3. In my daily activities and when taking on special duties, I shall first mention your name and then mine.
4. I shall support you in your work and self-denial, and shall help you reach these goals as if I were in your place.
5. I shall never do unto you what I do not want you to do unto me, unless there is a common reason for that.
If a member knows his place in his home group and in a wider body to which he belongs, and has particularly excelled in his work, he shall be presented with a reward according to his rank and stipulations of the IBL. Should he neglect his work, he shall be excommunicated or punished.