
Can't be your superman

Photographic project by Yoo JeongMee


And so

they long for peace


The Testament of the Poor Man

This transcript landed in my hands a while ago by pure coincidence. I have translated it back into English from the German. Found in an asylum in Dunning, the patient's testament reads as follows:

“I, Charles X, possessor of my senses and my memories, am writing and herewith am publishing my last wishes, my will, to distribute as fairly as possible all my possessions amongst my successors.

Over the part of my possessions, that is comprised of files bound in sheep’s skin, I am not entitled to decree, due to its insignificance. Over my right to live, as usufruct, I am not able to decree, but outside of these exceptions, I devise and bequeath as follows:

Item – I give all good parents to the benefit of their children all good words of praise and encouragement and all nice nicknames and terms of endearment and adjure named parents, to lawfully and plentifully use these, as demanded by the children’s fortune.

Item – I bequeath all children up to their adulthood, all and every flower in the field, and bloom of the forest, and of the right to cavort amongst themselves in the childlike way, but to be attentive against thistles and thorns. I bequeath furthermore to the children the banks of the rivulets and the golden sand under the water and the scent of the fields, that dive into the water, and the white clouds, that hang over the treetops. And I give the children the long days, in which they blithe in a thousand ways, and the night and the moon, and the way of the milky way, over which they may be amazed – but all this irrespective of the rights which I herein will later give to the lovers.

Item – I give to all the boys the barren fields and heathland, where one can play with balls, and the snow covered mountain crests for tobogganing, and the streams and ponds to go fishing, to own and to look after such things during their youth; and all fields with clover and butterflies, forests with squirrel and birds, echoes and wild noises and all far away distances that one can hike through, together with all adventures.

And I give to each of the aforesaid boys a seat in front of the fireplace, with the pictures that are visible in the flames, without interdiction or restraint and without worry or sorrow.

Item – to the lovers I bequeath the world of fantasy, with all accessories that are there: stars in the sky, roses by the wall, the flowering of hawthorn, the chimes of music, and everything else that seems necessary, so that they may be able to depict the infinity and beauty of their love to each other.

Item – to the teens I bequeath all wild games of sports, and give them contempt to all weakness and unbowed trust to their own strength. Even though they are rough, I nevertheless give them the gift to build friendships and to have companions, and only to them do I give cheerful songs and courageous ways to sing with a strong voice.

Item – and those who no longer are children or teens or lovers, I bequeath memory and leave them the works of Burns or Shakespeare and other poets, if there are any, so that they can once again relive the old days, to their full and in freedom.

Item – to the dear old with snow white hair I bequeath the fortune of age: the love and gratitude of their children, until they doze off."

-- date unknown --


hairspray in Germany

who says women are only good for reproductive purposes?


more hopes for the martians

yeah. 'tis time.


they are coming

they are coming for our genitals



Antichrist by Lars von Trier

Look here at Durer instead


life is risk baby

this script accidentally came into my hands this morning:

Alfie and Charmaine working out. Some guys look on at her.
Can you believe he wound up with that hot little wet dream?
Whatever it costs him, it's worth it.
I wonder if she plays around.
I've got to find out. Life is risk.


Michael arrives in heaven

.. with all the other little children


Zed's back!

Slavoj Zizek returns to the world with another "piece". It's on the Iranian protests! he calls it.. "will the cat above the precipice fall down?"


it is business as usual ...


one more for the road:

* "I'm tired of all this nonsense about beauty being only skin-deep. That's deep enough. What do you want, an adorable pancreas?"
* "Build a man a fire, and he'll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life." ...'could be a bit harsh........?
* Antelope: -When two ants run off to get married.-
* Behind every successful man there is a surprised woman.
* is.
* : Q - What happens to a boy when he reaches puberty? A - He says goodbye to his boyhood and looks forward to his adultery.
* knows that if at first you don't succeed . . . get new batteries.

Do you Facebook?

[the following are status updates, meaning single sentences people put up next to their names. You can update these as often as you like. Statuses show up as you log onto your homepage and keep you informed on their lives. The question Facebook poses its Faces is: "what's on your mind"]

Exhibit # 1

* is no hero: should he see a person drowning under a bridge, he wouldn't have the nerve to dive into the icy water.

* is returning to reality ever so slowly after an age-related depression
* twitters from hell: had four bottles of Syrah and saw his dobbelgänger

Exhibit # 2

* drinking warm sangria in a cold city, wishes he hadn't gone and turned those tables, but looks forward to sitting at them (the tables) with his favourite Londonians.
* accidentally marinated contents of bag with Don Simon's finest
* under a tree in Placa Reial. Someone weed here once. I'm not moving.
* now requires desalination
* floats

* : Shut up Art Brut. Shut up, shut up, shut up!!!

* is laughing at the image of Chris Irish beating up Rhianna

* will help you out

Exhibit # 3

* Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase

* looking for miss right at d right circumtance

* has avocado and sour-sop mixed juice on his mind

* has bears knawing too much

* has exchanged metal for honey



Friday night


Naked Youth

Times were tough after the war, but we had a way of life. I could've said that we were reborn a democratic nation; that responsibility went hand in hand with freedom. But today what can we say to this child? Nothing.

Nagisa Oshima


Wagnerian obsession returns to rescue



She cried so much, she chocked on it (and died).


Comment oses tu me parler d'amour toi hein? Toi qui n'as pas connu Lola rastaquouère

Serge explains taxes



smoke properly for heaven's sake - can't you see? what's with that ash there

now sit down - what's the matter with you!

quit poking at your things. just sit for a minute will you?
no, stop talking about everything will you?


stay there
no, do nothing
that's it! jesus christ.. yes I mean it!

no let's just sit here for a minute. maybe half and hour or so (thank you)


Zum Anbeissen

Ja, das Reisen
Ja, die Welt
Ja, das Buegeln
und das Geld

Ja, das Ich
Ja, das Allein
In der Welt
Sein eigenes Schwein

Scheisse: Neue Gedichte von Dieter Roth 1966