[the following are status updates, meaning single sentences people put up next to their names. You can update these as often as you like. Statuses show up as you log onto your homepage and keep you informed on their lives. The question Facebook poses its Faces is: "what's on your mind"]

Exhibit # 1
* is no hero: should he see a person drowning under a bridge, he wouldn't have the nerve to dive into the icy water.
* is returning to reality ever so slowly after an age-related depression
* twitters from hell: had four bottles of Syrah and saw his dobbelgänger
Exhibit # 2
* drinking warm sangria in a cold city, wishes he hadn't gone and turned those tables, but looks forward to sitting at them (the tables) with his favourite Londonians.
* accidentally marinated contents of bag with Don Simon's finest
* under a tree in Placa Reial. Someone weed here once. I'm not moving.
* now requires desalination
* floats
* : Shut up Art Brut. Shut up, shut up, shut up!!!
* is laughing at the image of Chris Irish beating up Rhianna
* will help you out

Exhibit # 3
* Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase
* looking for miss right at d right circumtance
* has avocado and sour-sop mixed juice on his mind
* has bears knawing too much
* has exchanged metal for honey
* drinking warm sangria in a cold city, wishes he hadn't gone and turned those tables, but looks forward to sitting at them (the tables) with his favourite Londonians.
* accidentally marinated contents of bag with Don Simon's finest
* under a tree in Placa Reial. Someone weed here once. I'm not moving.
* now requires desalination
* floats
* : Shut up Art Brut. Shut up, shut up, shut up!!!
* is laughing at the image of Chris Irish beating up Rhianna
* will help you out

Exhibit # 3
* Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase
* looking for miss right at d right circumtance
* has avocado and sour-sop mixed juice on his mind
* has bears knawing too much
* has exchanged metal for honey
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